On Site Identification of
Bearing Parameters in Flexible Rotor Systems
MAJOR APPLICATION: Instrumented rotating machinery: reliable experimental
identification of bearing force coefficients in the field.
Sponsor: Turbomachinery
Research Consortium (2000-2005)
Objective: To develop procedures for practical on
site reliable parameter identification techniques
Rationale: Rotor-bearing
system characteristics, such as natural frequencies, mode shapes, stiffness and
damping coefficients, are essential to diagnose and correct vibration problems
during system operation. Of the above characteristics, accurate identification
of bearing force parameters, i.e. stiffness and damping coefficients,
is one of the most difficult to achieve. Field identification by imbalance response
measurements is a simple and accurate way to determine synchronous speed force coefficients.
An enhanced method to estimate bearing support force coefficients
in flexible rotor-bearing systems was developed in 2003. The estimation is
carried out from measurements obtained near
bearing locations from two linearly independent imbalance tests. An earlier
approach assumed rotordynamic measurements at the bearing locations, which is
very difficult to realize in practice. The enhanced method relaxes this
constraint and develops the procedure to estimate bearing coefficients from
measurements near the bearing
The method has been applied to measurements conducted on a flexible
rotor mounted on two-lobe hydrodynamic bearings. Imbalance response
measurements for various imbalance magnitudes were obtained near bearing locations and also at rotor
mid-span. At shaft speeds around the bending critical speed, the displacements
at the rotor mid-span are an order of magnitude larger than the shaft
displacements at the bearing locations. The enhanced identification procedure
renders satisfactory force coefficients in the rotational speed range between
1,000 rpm and 4,000 rpm. The amount of imbalance mass needed to conduct the
tests and to obtain reliable shaft displacement measurements influences
slightly the magnitude of the identified force coefficients. The effect of
increasing the number of rotor sub-elements in the finite-element modeling of
the shaft is noted. The sensitivity of the method and derived parameters to
noise in the measurements is also quantified
Status: In practice, rotor displacement
measurement planes are away from the bearing supports centerlines. Thus, the
method was extended to account for this realistic condition. In addition,
synchronous rotor responses were obtained for increasing levels of calibrated
imbalances and bearing support parameters estimated. The method shows similar
bearing force support coefficients for the three conditions of imbalance
tested. However, very small imbalances lead to small rotor amplitudes to noise
ratio and somewhat unreliable parameters. On the other hand, too large
imbalances may exacerbate system nonlinearities. The identification method models the whole
rotor structure, implements measured imbalance responses, and identifies
support force coefficients agreeing well with analytical predictions.
Flexible rotor supported on elliptical fluid film bearings:
Stiffness and damping coefficients identified from imbalance
responses in test rig
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