Publications on Hybrid Brush Seals and
the HALO® Seal
APPLICATION: Turbines & compressors
HALO(R): High Advanced Low
Leakage Seal from ATGI
Magazine Article
San Andrés, L., A. Delgado, and J. Justak,
2005, “Measurements
of leakage, structural stiffness and energy dissipation parameters in a shoed
brush seal,” Sealing Technology, December,
pp. 7-10. (Elsevier Pubs)
Reports to the
Turbomachinery Research Symposium
TRC-SEAL-01-13, “Gas Seal Leakage at High Temperature: a
Labyrinth Seal and an All-Metal Compliant Seal of Similar Clearances.”
TRC-SEAL-02-11, “Comparison of Leakage between a Labyrinth Seal and an All-Metal
Compliant Gas Seal at High Temperature.”
Compare seal types
against Halo seal: leakage
San Andrés, L., and Anderson,
A., 2015, “An All-Metal
Compliant-Seal Versus a Labyrinth Seal: a Comparison
of Gas Leakage at High Temperatures, “ASME J. Eng. Gas Turbines Power, 137 (May),
pp. 052504. DOI: 10.1115/1.4028665 [ASME Paper GT2014-25572]
San Andrés, L., and Ashton, Z., 2010, “Comparison of Leakage Performance in Three Types of
Gas Annular Seals Operating at (300ºC) High Temperature”, STLE Tribology
Transactions, Vol. 53(3), pp. 463.
Hybrid Brush Seals
San Andrés, L., Delgado, D., and Baker, J., 2010, “Rotordynamic Force
Coefficients of a Hybrid Brush Seal: Measurements and Predictions,” ASME
J. Eng. Gas Turbines Power, Vol. 132 (April), p. 042503 (ASME Paper No. GT2009-59072)
San Andrés, L., Baker,
J., and Delgado, A., 2009, “Measurements
of Leakage and Power Loss in a Hybrid Brush Seal,” ASME Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, 131(1),
pp. 012505. (ASME Paper GT2008-50532)
San Andrés, L., Baker,
J., and Delgado, A., 2008, “Measurement
of Leakage and Identification of Structural Force Coefficients in a Hybrid
Brush Seal,” STLE Annual Meeting. Cleveland, OH, Extended Abstract, May.
San Andrés, L., Baker,
J., and Delgado, A., 2008, “Measurements
of Leakage and Power Loss in a Hybrid Brush Seal,” ASME Paper GT2008-50532
Delgado, A., and L. San
Andrés, 2007, “Identification of Structural
Stiffness and Damping in a Shoed Brush Seal,” ASME Journal of Vibrations, Vol.
129(5), pp. 648-655.
Andrés, L., Baker, J., and Delgado, A., 2007, “Measurements
of Leakage and Power Loss in a Hybrid Brush Seal,” Proceedings of 6th
EDF/LMS Poitiers Workshop, Universite de Poitiers,
France, September 27
Baker, J., A. Delgado,
and L. San Andrés, 2006, “Measurements
of Leakage and Identification of Structural Parameters in a Hybrid Brush Seal,”
Paper IJTC 2006-12375, ASME/STLE International Joint Tribology Conference, San
Antonio, TX, October 2006
Delgado, A., L., San
Andrés, 2005, “Measurements
of Leakage, Structural Stiffness and Energy Dissipation Parameters in a Shoed
Brush Seal,” 4th
EDF/LMS Poitiers Workshop “Advanced
Topics and Technical Solutions In Dynamic Sealing”
FUTUROSCOPE, France, October
6, 2005
Delgado, A., and L. San Andrés, 2005, “Identification
of Structural Stiffness and Damping in a Shoed Brush Seal,” Paper DETC
2005-84159, Proceedings of IDETC/CIE 2005, ASME 2005 International Design
Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in
Engineering Conference, September 24-28, Long Beach, California (accepted for
publication in ASME Journal of Vibrations, 2007)
Delgado, A., and L. San
Andrés, 2005, “Identification of
Structural Stiffness and Damping in a Shoed Brush Seal,” Paper DETC 2005-84159,
ASME 2005 Biannual Vibrations Conference, Palm Beach, September
Delgado, A., L., San
Andrés, and J. Justak, 2004, “Analysis of Performance and Rotordynamic Force
Coefficients of Brush Seals with Reverse Rotation Ability”, ASME Paper GT
Delgado, A., L. San
Andrés, and J. Justak, 2003,”Identification
of Stiffness and Damping Coefficients in a Shoed Brush Seal,” Proc. VIII Congreso y Exposición Latinoamericana de Turbomaquinaria,
Veracruz, Mexico, October.