on Squeeze Film Dampers July 18, 2024
APPLICATIONS: Aircraft gas turbines, high performance centrifugal
SPONSORS: GE (1992-94), National
Science Foundation, Turbomachinery Research Consortium (1990-2022), Honeywell
Aerospace (2008), Pratt &Whitney (2008-2018)
Advanced Models and Experimental Validation and Integral SFDs
SFD with
integral contact mechanical seal
entrainment and bubbly lubricants & parameter identification
response and identification
vapor cavitation and external pressurization
Fluid inertia and lubricant vapor cavitation
àTechnical Reports
to Turbomachinery Research Consortium
SFDs: invited
presentations, lectures & articles |
Lu, X., San Andrés, L., and Koo, B., 2022, “On
the Influence of Lubricant Feedhole Size and End Plate Seals’ Clearance on
the Dynamic Performance of Integral Squeeze Film Dampers,” (Lecture),
2022 Asia Turbomachinery Symposium, May, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia San Andrés, L., 2022, “Squeeze
Film Dampers: Operation, Models and Issues of Interest,” Vibration and
Rotordynamics Short Course, The Turbomachinery Laboratory, Jan. San Andrés, L., Jeung, S.-H, Den, S.,
and Savela, G., 2016 ‘‘Squeeze Film Dampers: A Further
Experimental Appraisal of their Dynamic Performance,’’ 45th
Turbomachinery Symposium, Texas
A&M University, Sept 12-15, Houston, TX, San Andrés, L., Jeung, S.-H, Den, S., and Savela, G., 2016 ‘‘Squeeze Film
Dampers: An Experimental Appraisal of their Dynamic Performance,’’ II Asia Turbomachinery and Pump Symposium,
Texas A&M University, Feb 22-25, Singapore Zeidan, F., San Andrés, L., and Vance, J., 1996, "Design
and Application of Squeeze Film Dampers in Rotating Machinery,"
Proceedings of the 25th Turbomachinery Symposium, Texas A&M
University, September, pp. 169-188, San Andrés, L., "Squeeze Film
Dampers, A History of their Technological Development," De Appel Nr. 3,
pp. 11-13, February 2000 (Magazine from the Isaac Newton Mechanical
Engineering Student Society at Universiteit Twente, The INTEGRAL SFDs Lu,
X., L. San Andrés, L., and B. Koo, 2023, On the Influence of the Lubricant Feed
Orifice Size and End Plate Seals’ Clearance on the Static and Dynamic
Performance of Integral Squeeze Film Dampers,” pp. 173-189,
IFToMM 2023, Proceedings of the 11th IFToMM
International Conference on Rotor Dynamics, Beijing, PRC (September 18-21,
2023). Lu,
X., San Andrés, L., Koo, B., and Scott, T., 2021 “On the Effect of the Gap
of End Seals on Force Coefficients of a Test Integral
Squeeze Film Damper: Experiments and
Predictions,” ASME J. Eng. Gas Turb. Pwr., 143(1), p. 011014,
Santiago, O., and L. San Andrés, 2003, “Imbalance
Response of a Rotor Supported on Flexure Pivot Tilting Pad Journal Bearings
in Series with Integral Squeeze Film Dampers,” ASME Journal of Gas Turbines
and Power, Vol. 115 (4), pp. 1026-1032 (ASME Paper 2001-GT-257). De
Santiago, O., and L. San Andrés, 2000, "Dynamic
Response of a Rotor-Integral Squeeze Film Damper to Couple Imbalances,” ASME
Paper 2000-GT-0388. De Santiago, O., and L. San Andrés, 1999,"Imbalance Response and Damping Force Coefficients of a
Rotor Supported on End Sealed Integral Squeeze Film Dampers," ASME Paper
99-GT-203 (
De Santiago, O., San Andrés, L., and J.
Oliveras, 1999, "Imbalance Response of a Rotor
Supported on Open-Ends, Integral Squeeze Film Dampers," ASME Journal of
Gas Turbines and Power, Vol. 121, 4, pp. 718-724 (ASME Paper 98-GT-006). De Santiago, O., and L. San Andrés, 1998,
"Measurements of the Synchronous Response of a Rotor Supported on
Integral Squeeze Film Dampers: Couple Imbalance Experiments," Memorias del VII Congreso Latinoamericano
de Turbomaquinaria, pp. 43-47, Veracruz, Mexico,
November 1998 |
Rodriguez, B., and San Andrés, L., 2024, “Dynamic
Forced Response of an O-Rings Sealed Squeeze Film Damper Lubricated with a Low
Supply Pressure and a Simple Method to Quantify Air Ingestion,” ASME J. Eng.
Gas Turbines Power, Vol. 146(2): 021004, ASME Paper GT2023-100495.
B., and San Andrés, L., 2023, “Dynamic Performance of an O-Rings Sealed Squeeze Film
Damper Lubricated and a Simple Way to Estimate the (Ingested) Gas Content in a
Squeeze Film,” pp. 93-110, IFToMM 2023, Proceedings of the 11th IFToMM
International Conference on Rotor Dynamics, Beijing, PRC (September 18-21,
Koo, B., and San
Andrés, L., 2022, ”A
Model and Experimental Validation for a Piston Rings - Squeeze Film Damper: a
Step toward Quantifying Air Ingestion,” ASME J. Eng. Gas Turbines Power, Vol. 145(4):
041012. ASME
Andrés, L., and Rodriguez, B., 2021, “On the Experimental Dynamic Force Performance
of a Squeeze Film Damper Supplied through a Check Valve and Sealed With
O-Rings,” ASME J. Eng. Gas Turbines Power, Vol. 143(11): 111011,
(ASME GT2021-58627).
Andrés, L., and Koo, B., 2020, “Model and Experimental Verification of the Dynamic Forced
Performance of a Tightly Sealed Squeeze Film Damper Supplied with a Bubbly
Mixture,” ASME J. Eng. Gas Turbines Power, Vol. 142(1): 011023, DOI: 10.1115/1.4044994 (ASME GT2019-90330).
Andrés, L., Koo, B.J., and Seung, J.-H., 2019, “Experimental Force Coefficients for Two
Sealed Ends Squeeze Film Dampers(Piston Rings and O-rings): An Assessment of
Their Similarities and Differences,” ASME J. Eng. Gas Turbines Power, Vol. 141(2),
02104, DOI:
10.1115/1.4040902 (ASME GT20018-76224) 2019 Best Paper Award, Structures &
Dynamics Committee, ASME IGTI (June 2019)
Andrés, L., and Koo, B., 2018, “Effect of Lubricant Supply Pressure on SFD Performance: Ends
Sealed with O-rings and Piston Rings” IFTOMM2018-018, 10TH IFToMM
Andrés, L., Den, S., and Jeung, S-H., 2018, “On the Force Coefficients of a Flooded, Open
Ends Squeeze Film Damper: from Theory to Practice (and Back),” ASME J. Eng. Gas
Turbines Power, Vol. 140(1), 012502 (11). DOI: 10.1115/1.4037585 (ASME GT2017-63152)
Andrés, L., and Jeung, S.-H, 2016, Response of a Squeeze Film Damper-Elastic
Structure System to Multiple Consecutive Impact Loads,” ASME J. Eng. Gas
Turbines Power. Vol. 138 (12). DOI: 10.1115/1.4034001 (ASME GT2016-56695)
Andrés, L., Den, S, and Jeung, S.-H, 2016, “Transient Response of a
Short-Length (L/D=0.2) Open-Ends Elastically Supported Squeeze Film Damper:
Centered and Largely Off-Centered Whirl Motions,” ASME J. Eng. Gas Turbines
Power, 138 (12). DOI:
10.1115/1.4034002 (ASME GT2016-43096)
Andrés, L., and Jeung, S.-H, 2015, “Experimental Performance of an Open Ends, Centrally Grooved
Squeeze Film Damper Operating with Large Amplitude Orbital Motions,” ASME J.
Eng. Gas Turbines Power. Vol. 137
(May), .032508 (9). DOI: 10.1115/1.4028376
Andrés, L., and Jeung, S.-H., 2016, “Orbit Model Force Coefficients for Fluid Film Bearings: A Step
Beyond Linearization,” ASME J. Eng. Gas
Turbines Power. Vol. 138 (Feb), pp.
022502 (11). DOI:
10.1115/1.4031237 (ASME GT2015-43487).
San Andrés, L., Jeung,
S-H, and Bradley, G., 2015,” Force Coefficients for a Short Length Open-Ends Squeeze Film Damper with
End Grooves: Experiments and Predictions, ASME GT2015-43096.
San Andrés, L., and Jeung,
S-H, 2015, “Response of an Squeeze Film Damper to Large Amplitude Impact Loads,”
2015 STLE Annual Meeting & Exhibition, May 18-21, Dallas, TX, USA
Andrés, L., 2014,
“Force Coefficients for a Large Clearance Open
Ends Squeeze Film Damper with a Central Feed Groove: Experiments and
Predictions,” Tribology International, 71,
pp. 17-25.
San Andrés, L., Jeung,
S.-H, and Bradley, G., 2014, “Dynamic Forced Performance of Short Length
Open-Ends Squeeze Film Damper with End Grooves, 9th IFToMM International Conference on
Rotordynamics, Milan, Italy (2014 Outstanding Paper 1/198 papers)
San Andrés, L., Jeung,
S-H, and Bradley, G., 2013,
“Experimental force Coefficients for an Open Ends Squeeze Film Damper
Performing Large Amplitude Circular Orbital Motions, Centered and
Off-centered,” 2013 STLE Annual Meeting & Exhibition, May 5-9, Detroit,
Michigan, USA
Andrés, L., and Seshaghiri, S., 2013, “Damping and Inertia Coefficients for Two End Sealed Squeeze
Film Dampers with a Central Groove: Measurements and Predictions,” ASME J. Eng. Gas Turbines Power, vol. 135 (November),
112503 (1-9) [ASME GT2013-94273].
Andrés, L., 2012,
“Damping and Inertia Coefficients for Two Open Ends Squeeze Film Dampers with a
Central Groove: Measurements and Predictions,” ASME J. Eng. Gas Turbines Power,
vol. 134 (October), 102506, [ASME Paper GT2012-68212].
Andrés, L.., and Delgado, A., 2012, “A Novel Bulk-Flow Model for
Improved Predictions of Force Coefficients in Grooved Oil Seals Operating
Eccentrically,” ASME J. Eng. Gas Turbines Power, vol. 134 (May),
022509 [ASME Paper GT2011-45274]. 2011 Best Rotordynamics Paper Award –ASME
Delgado, A., and San
Andrés, L., 2010, “A Model for Improved
Prediction of Force Coefficients in Grooved Squeeze
SFDs with mechanical seal – Identification Delgado, D., and San Andrés, L., 2010,
“Identification of Squeeze Film Damper Force Coefficients from
Multiple-Frequency, Non-Circular Journal Motions,” ASME
J. Eng. Gas Turbines Power, Vol. 132 (April), p. 042501 (ASME
Paper No. GT2009-59175) Delgado, A., and L.
San Andrés, 2009, “Identification of Force Coefficients in a Squeeze Delgado, A., and San Andrés, L., 2009, “Nonlinear Identification of
Mechanical Parameters on a Squeeze Film Damper with Integral Mechanical
Seal,” ASME Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, Vol. 131 (4), pp. 042504
(ASME Paper GT2008-50528) San Andrés,
L., and A. Delgado, 2008, ”Squeeze
film Damper with a Mechanical Seal: Experimental Force Coefficients Derived
from Circular Centered Orbits,” ASME Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines
and Power, Vol. 130, pp. 042505-1-8 (ASME Paper No GT2007-27436) San Andrés,
L., and A. Delgado, 2007,
“Identification of Force Coefficients in a Squeeze Film Damper with a
Mechanical Seal, I: Unidirectional Load Tests,” ASME Journal of Engineering
for Gas Turbines and Power, 129(3), pp. 858-864 (ASME Paper GT 2006-90782) San Andrés,
L., and A. Delgado, 2007,
“Identification of Force Coefficients in a Squeeze Film Damper with a
Mechanical Seal, Centered Circular Orbit Tests,” ASME Journal of Tribology,
Vol. 129(3), pp. 660-668 (Paper IJTC
2006-12041) San Andrés,
L., and A. Delgado, 2006, “Identification
of Force Coefficients in a Squeeze Film Damper with a Mechanical End Seal,”
Paper CELT06-74, Memorias del IX Congreso y Exposición Latinoamericana de Turbomaquinaria, Boca del Río Veracruz, Mexico, June
22-23, 2006, ISBN 968-6114-20-3 |
Effects of air entrainment
and bubbly lubricants on SFD forced performance |
San Andrés,
L., and O. De Santiago, 2005, “Identification of Journal
Bearing Force Coefficients Under High Dynamic Loading,” STLE Tribology
Transactions, Vol. 48, 1, pp. 9-17 De Santiago, O., and L. San Andrés, 2004, “Forced Response of a Squeeze Film
Damper and Identification of Force Coefficients from Large Orbital Motions,”
ASME Journal of Tribology, Vol. 126, 2, pp. 292-300 (ASME Paper
2003-TRIB-162) San Andrés,
L., and O. de Santiago, 2004,
“Dynamic Response of Squeeze Film Dampers Operating with Bubbly Mixtures,”
ASME Journal of Gas Turbines and Power, Vol. 126, 2, pp. 408-415. (ASME Paper
2002-GT-30317) San Andrés,
L., and S. Diaz, 2003, “Flow
Visualization and Forces from a Squeeze Film Damper with Natural Air
Entrainment,” ASME Journal of Tribology, Vol. 125, 2, pp. 325-333 (ASME Paper
2002-TRIB-81). Diaz, S., and L. San Andrés, 2002, “Pressure Measurements and Flow
Visualization in a Squeeze Film Damper Operating with a Bubbly Mixture,” ASME
Journal of Tribology, Vol. 124, 4, pp. 346-350 (ASME Paper 2001-TRIB-118) Diaz, S., and L. San Andrés, L., A Model for Squeeze Film Dampers
Operating with Air Entrainment and Validation with Experiments,” ASME Journal
of Tribology, Vol. 123, 1, pp. 125-133, 2001. (ASME Paper 2000-Trib-207). |
San Andrés,
L., S. Diaz, and L. Rodriguez, “Sine Sweep Load Versus
Impact Excitations and their Influence on the Damping Coefficients of a
Bubbly Oil Squeeze Film Damper,” Tribology Transactions, Vol. 44, 4, pp.
692-698, 2001 (Paper STLE 01-NP-18). Beets, T., S. Diaz, and L San Andrés,
"Pressure Measurement and Flow Visualization on a SFD Operating With a
Bubbly Lubricant," Proceedings of the 2000 NSF Design &
Manufacturing Research Conference, CD rom, Vancouver, Canada, January 3-6,
2000 (Award number 9820845 CMS). |
Tao, L., S. Diaz, L. San Andrés, and K.R.
Rajagopal, "Analysis of Squeeze Film Dampers Operating with Bubbly
Lubricants" ASME Journal of Tribology, Vol. 122, 1, pp. 205-210, 2000
(ASME Paper 99-TRIB-33). |
Diaz, S., and L. San Andrés, "Air Entrainment Versus Lubricant
Vaporization in Squeeze Film Dampers: An Experimental Assessment of their
Fundamental Differences,” ASME Journal of Gas Turbines and Power, Vol. 123
(4), pp. 871-877, 2001. (ASME Paper 99-GT-187). |
Diaz, S., and L. San Andrés, "A Method for Identification of Bearing Force
Coefficients and its Application to a Squeeze Film Damper with a Bubbly
Lubricant," STLE Tribology Transactions, Vol. 42, 4, pp. 739-746, 1999,
(STLE Paper 99-AM-5). |
San Andrés,
L., and S. Diaz, "Effects of
Bubbly Oil on Squeeze Film Damper Force Performance," Proceedings of the
VI PACAM Conference, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, January 1999, Applied Mechanics
in the Americas, Volume 8, Dynamics, pp. 1523-1526. |
Diaz, S., and L. San Andrés, "Reduction of the Dynamic Load Capacity
in a Squeeze Film Damper Operating with a Bubbly Lubricant", ASME
Journal of Gas Turbines and Power Vol. 121, pp. 703-709, 1999 (ASME Paper
98-GT-109). |
Diaz, S., and L. San Andrés, "Effects of Bubbly Flow on the Dynamic Pressure
Fields of a Test Squeeze Film Damper," ASME Fluids Engineering Division
Summer Meeting (FEDSM’98), |
Diaz, S., and L. San Andrés, "Measurements of Pressure in a Squeeze
Film Damper with an Air/Oil Bubbly Mixture," STLE Tribology
Transactions, Vol. 41, 2, pp. 282-288 (STLE Paper 97-WTC-8), 1998. |
S. and L. San Andrés, L., 2000, "Orbit-Based Identification of Damping
Coefficients on Off-Centered Squeeze Film Dampers Including Support
Flexibility," ASME Paper 2000-GT-0394. De
Santiago, O., and L. San Andrés, 2003, “Imbalance
Response of a Rotor Supported on Flexure Pivot Tilting Pad Journal Bearings
in Series with Integral Squeeze Film Dampers,” ASME Journal of Gas Turbines
and Power, Vol. 115 (4), pp. 1026-1032 (ASME Paper 2001-GT-257). De
Santiago, O., and L. San Andrés, 2000, "Dynamic
Response of a Rotor-Integral Squeeze Film Damper to Couple Imbalances,” ASME
Paper 2000-GT-0388. De Santiago, O., and L. San Andrés, 1999,"Imbalance Response and Damping Force Coefficients of a
Rotor Supported on End Sealed Integral Squeeze Film Dampers," ASME Paper
99-GT-203 (
De Santiago, O., San Andrés, L., and J.
Oliveras, 1999, "Imbalance Response of a Rotor
Supported on Open-Ends, Integral Squeeze Film Dampers," ASME Journal of
Gas Turbines and Power, Vol. 121, 4, pp. 718-724 (ASME Paper 98-GT-006). De Santiago, O., and L. San Andrés, 1998,
"Measurements of the Synchronous Response of a Rotor Supported on
Integral Squeeze Film Dampers: Couple Imbalance Experiments," Memorias del VII Congreso Latinoamericano
de Turbomaquinaria, pp. 43-47, Veracruz, Mexico,
November 1998. |
Lubell, D., and L., San Andrés, 1998, "Imbalance
Response of a Test Rotor Supported on Squeeze Film Dampers," ASME
Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, Vol. 120, 2, pp. 397-404,
1998 (ASME Paper 97-GT-12). |
Lubell, D., and L., San Andrés, 1997, "Imbalance
Response of a Squeeze Film Damper Supported Rotor," Memorias
del VI Congreso Latinoamericano de Turbomaquinaria, Mexico, Mexico, pp. 89-96, November
1997. |
Effects of lubricant vapor
cavitation and pressurization on SFD performance |
San Andrés, L., 1996, "Theoretical
and Experimental Comparisons for Damping Coefficients of a Short Length
Open-End Squeeze Film Damper," ASME Journal of Engineering for Gas
Turbines and Power, Vol. 118, 4, pp. 810-815, (ASME Paper 95-GT-98). |
Lopez, A., L. San Andrés, and F. Baquero, 1995, “Effect of
Pressurization on a Squeeze Film Damper: Experimental Results," Memorias del V Congreso Latinoamericano
de Turbomaquinaria, Acapulco, Mexico, November, pp.
231-238. |
Arauz, G., and L. San Andrés, "Experimental
Force Response of a Grooved Squeeze Film Damper," Tribology
International, Vol. 30, 1, pp. 77-86, 1997. |
Arauz, G., and L. San Andrés, "Experimental
Study on the Effect of a Circumferential Feeding Groove on the Dynamic Force
Response of a Sealed Squeeze Film Damper," ASME Journal of Tribology,
Vol. 118, 4, pp. 900-905, (ASME Paper 95-Trib-50), 1996. |
Arauz, G. and L. San Andrés, "Effect of a
Circumferential Feeding Groove on the Force Response of a Short Squeeze Film
Damper," ASME Journal of Tribology, Vol. 116, 2, pp. 369-377, (ASME
Paper 93-Trib-15), 1994. |
San Andrés, L., and Arauz, G., "Experimental
Study of a Grooved Squeeze Film Damper," Proceedings of the III Congreso
Latinoamericano de Turbomaquinaria,,
San Andrés, L., and G. Arauz, "Experimental
Pressures and Film Forces in a Squeeze Film Damper," ASME Journal of
Tribology, Vol. 115, pp.134-140,1993 |
San Andrés, L., and Arauz, G., "Experimental
Study of a Groove Squeeze Film Damper," Proceedings of the III Congreso Latinoamericano de Turbomaquinaria,,
San Andrés, L., "Analysis of
Short Squeeze Film Dampers with a Central Groove," ASME Journal of
Tribology, Vol. 114, 4, pp. 659-665, 1992. |
Effect of fluid inertia and
lubricant vapor cavitation on SFD performance |
Robison, M., G. Arauz, and L. San Andrés, "A Test Rig for
the Identification of Rotordynamic Coefficients of Fluid Film Bearings,"
ASME Turbo Expo'95 Land, Sea and Air Conference, |
Sundarajan, P. S. Noah, and L.
San Andrés, "Fluid Inertia Effects on the Non-Linear Response of a Rigid
Rotor Supported on Squeeze Film Dampers," Proceedings of the 4th
International IFToMM Rotordynamics Conference, Chicago, pp.333-340, September
1994 |
San Andrés, L., Meng, G. and Yoon, S., "Dynamic Force
Response of an Open Ended Squeeze Film Damper," ASME Journal of
Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, Vol. 115,2, pp. 341-343, 1993. |
San Andrés, L., Meng, G. and Yoon, S., "Dynamic Force
Response of an Open Ended Squeeze Film Damper," ASME Journal of
Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, Vol. 115,2, pp. 341-343, 1993. |
San Andrés, L., Meng, G. and Vance, J., "Experimental
Measurement of the Dynamic Pressure and Force Response of a Partially Sealed
Squeeze Film Damper," 13th Biennial Conference on Mechanical Vibration
and Noise, Miami, FLA, Rotating Machinery and Vehicle Dynamics, ASME
Publication, DE-Vol. 35, pp. 251-256, September 1991. |
San Andrés, L., "Effect of Fluid
Inertia on Force Coefficients for the Long Squeeze Film Damper," STLE
Tribology Transactions, Vol. 31, 2, pp. 371-375, 1988. |
San Andrés, L. and Vance, J., "Effect of
Fluid Inertia on the Performance of Squeeze Film Damper Supported
Rotors," ASME Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbine and Power, Vol.
110, 1, pp. 51-57, 1988. |
San Andrés, L. and Vance, J., "Experimental
Measurement of the Dynamic Pressure Distribution in a Squeeze-Film Bearing
Damper Executing Circular Centered Orbits," ASLE Transactions, Vol. 30,
No. 3, pp. 373-383, 1987. |
San Andrés, L. and Vance, J., "Effect of
Fluid Inertia on Finite Length Sealed Squeeze Film Dampers," ASLE
Transactions, Vol. 30, No. 3, pp. 384-393, 1987 |
San Andrés, L. and Vance, J., "Effect of
Fluid Inertia on Squeeze Film Damper Forces for Small Amplitude Circular
Centered Motions," ASLE Transactions, Vol. 30, No. 1, pp. 69-76, 1987. |
San Andrés, L. and Vance, J., "Force
Coefficients for Open Ends Squeeze Film Dampers Executing Small Amplitude
Motions About an Off-Centered Equilibrium Position," ASLE Transactions,
Vol. 30, No. 1, pp. 63-68, 1987. |
San Andrés, L. and Vance, J., "Effects of
Fluid Inertia and Turbulence on the Force Coefficients for Squeeze Film
Dampers," ASME Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, Vol.
108, pp. 332-339, 1986. |
Research Progress Reports to the Turbomachinery Research Consortium
TRC-SFD-01-22 Measurements of the Dynamic Forced Response of an O-rings
Sealed Squeeze Film Damper Supplied with a Low Supply Pressure, Rodriguez, B., and San Andrés, L.,
SQUEEZE FILMS, Koo ,B., and San
Andrés, L., 2020
TRC-SFD-02-20 Experimental force Coefficients in
a sealed Ends SFD supplied with Lubricant through a Check Valve, Rodriguez, B.,
San Andrés, L., 2020
TRC-SFD-01-19 Experimental Identification of Force Coefficients in an Integral
Squeeze Film Damper and Predictive Model Validation, Lu, X, San Andrés,
L., Koo, B., and Tran, S., 2019
TRC-SFD-01-17 Effect of Lubricant
Supply Pressure on SFD Performance: Ends Sealed with O-rings and Piston Rings,
San Andrés, L., Koo, B., and L. Yu, 2017
TRC-SFD-01-16 Experimental Response of an Open
Ends SFD Versus a Sealed Ends SFD, Jeung, S-H.,
and San Andrés, L., 2016
TRC-SFD-01-15 Response of an Open Ends Squeeze Film Damper to
Intermittent Impact Loads, Jeung, S-H., and San Andrés, L., 2015
TRC-SFD-01-14 Response of an Open Ends Squeeze Film Damper to
Large Amplitude Impact Loads, Jeung, S-H., and San Andrés, L., 2014
TRC-SFD-01-13 On the Forced Performance of a Squeeze Film Damper
Operating with Large Amplitude Orbital Motions: Measurements and Assessment of
the Accuracy of the Linearized Force Coefficients
TRC-SFD-01-12, Force Coefficients for a Large Clearance
Open Ends SFD with a Central Feed Groove: Test Results and Predictions, San
Andrés, L.,
TRC-SFD-1-08, Dynamic Performance of a Squeeze Film
Damper with Non-Circular Motions: Multi-Frequency Excitations Reproducing
Multi-Spool Engine Operating Conditions. Delgado, A., and San Andrés, L., 2008
TRC-Seal-1-08, A Novel FE Lubrication Model for Improved
Predictions of Force Coefficients in Off-Centered Grooved Oil Seals. Delgado,
A., and San Andrés, L., 2008
TRC-SFD-1-07, San Andrés, L., and. A. Delgado, 2007, “Parameter
Identification of an End Sealed SFD: Identification of Force Coefficients and
Operating Conditions Leading to Air Ingestion”.
TRC-SFD-2-07, San Andrés, L., and. A. Delgado, 2007, “Parameter
Identification of an End Sealed SFD: Improved Predictions of Added Mass and
Damping Coefficients for Grooved SFDs and Oil Seals”.
TRC-SFD-1-06 , San Andrés, L., and Delgado, A., 2006,
"Squeeze Film Damper with
Mechanical Seal: Identification of Force Coefficients from Circular Centered
Orbit Tests”.
TRC-SFD-1-05, Delgado, A., and L. San Andrés, 2005, "Identification of Force Coefficients in a Squeeze Film Damper with a
Mechanical Seal".
TRC-SFD-1-04, Delgado, A., and L San Andrés, 2004,
“Experimental Force Coefficients for a Sealed Squeeze Film Damper – Test Rig
TRC-B&C-3-03, San Andrés, L., 2003, “Journal Bearing Force Coefficients under
High Dynamic Loading – Experimental Results”.
TRC-SFD-1-02, Luis San Andrés, 2002, “Response of a
Squeeze Film Damper Under High Dynamic Loading and Identification of Damping
and Inertia Coefficients”.
TRC-SFD-1-01, San Andrés, L., 2001, “Flow Visualization
and Forces from a Squeeze Film Damper Operating with Natural Air Entrainment”.
TRC-SFD-1-00, San Andrés, L., and O. de Santiago, 2000, “Measurements of the Imbalance Response in a
Rotor Supported on Tilting Pad Bearings and Integral Squeeze Film Dampers”.
TRC-SFD-2-00, Beets,
T., S. Diaz, and L.San
Andrés, 2000, “Pressure Measurements and
Flow Visualization on a SFD Operating with a Bubbly Mixture".
TRC-SFD-3-00, Rodriguez,
L., S. Diaz, and L. San Andrés, 2000, “Sine Sweep Load Versus Impact
Excitations and their Influence on the Identification of Damping in a Bubbly
Oil Squeeze Film Damper”.
TRC-SFD-1-99, De Santiago, O., and L. San Andrés, May
1999, "Design of a Series Tilting Pad Bearing and Squeeze Film Damper for NSF-TRC
Rotordynamics Test Rig and Analysis for Optimum Damping at Bearing
TRC-SFD-2-99, Diaz, S., and L. San Andrés, "An
Engineering Model for Prediction of Forces in SFDs and Experimental Validation
for Operation with Air Entrainment,", May 1999.
TRC-SFD-1-98, De Santiago, O., and L. San Andrés, May
1998, "Imbalance Response of a Rotor Supported on Sealed Integral
Tao, L., S. Diaz, L. San Andrés and
K.R. Rajagopal, May 1998, "Flow Analysis of Squeeze Film Dampers Operating
with Bubbly Lubricants".
TRC-SFD-2-97, De Santiago, O., J. Oliveras, and L.
San Andrés, April 1997, "Imbalance Response of a Rotor Supported on
Integral Squeeze Film Dampers".
TRC-SFD-1-97, Diaz, S. and L. San Andrés, April 1997,
"Forced Response of a Squeeze Film Damper Operating with a Bubbly
(Air/Oil) Mixture".
TRC-SFD-2-96, San
Andrés, and D. Lubell, D., May 1996, "Unbalance Response of a Test Rotor
Supported on Squeeze Film Dampers".
TRC-SFD-1-96, Diaz, S. , May 1996, "Measurements of Pressure in a Squeeze Film Damper with a
Bubbly Mixture".
TRC-RD-4-95, San
Andrés, L., and D. Lubell, 1995, "Overview of NSF-TRC Squeeze Film Damper
Research Project, Year I".
TRC-RD-5-95, Laos, H., and L. San Andrés, May 1995,
"Measurement of Unbalance Response in a SFD Test Rotor Kit, (Part
TRC-SFD-1-95, Lopez,
A., and L. San Andrés, May 1995, "Test Results for an Open-End Squeeze
Film Damper with a High Viscosity".
Robison, M., Walton N., and L. San Andrés, May 1995, "Experimental Force
Coefficients for a Short Length Squeeze Film Damper, Experimental Force
Coefficients for several a Plain Journal Bearing, Preliminary Tests for a
Flexure-Pivot, Tilting Pad Journal Bearing".
TRC-SFD-4-94, San
Andrés, L., Laos, H., and A. Lopez, May 1994, "Measurement of
Unbalance Response in a SFD-Rotor Kit - Centered Journal".
TRC-SFD-2-91, San
Andrés, L., "Dynamic Force Response of an Open Ended Squeeze Film
Damper," (#119), April 1991.
TRC-SFD-3-91, San
Andrés, L., "Analysis of Short Squeeze Film Dampers with a Central
Groove," (#120), April 1991.
Meng, J., San Andrés, L. and Vance, J., "Experimental Investigation of the
Dynamic Pressure and Force Response of a Partially Sealed Squeeze Film
Damper," (#122) April 1991.
Vance, J., San Andrés, L. and Arauz, G., "Effect of Inlet Holes on the
Pressure Field of a Squeeze Film Damper," (#123), April 1991.
TRC-SFD-3-90 San
Andrés, L., "Experimental Results for Variable Speed TRC Squeeze Film
Damper Test Rig," (#117) May 1990.
$ 767,645 |
Pratt & Whitney Engines - SFD design space for
jet engines |
07/01/08-9/30/18 |
$172,079 |
National Science Foundation Dynamic Forced
Performance of Fluid Film Bearings Operating with Air Entrainment |
05/01/99-05/30/02 |
$153,067 |
National Science Foundation Dynamic Forced
Response of Rotor Bearing Systems Supported on SFDs |
08/01/94-12/31/97 |
> $500,000 |
Research Consortium SFD Program at Approximately $20-50
k/year |
1990-2018 |
$ 35,000 |
Gift – Honeywell
Aerospace, |
2008 |